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Helping Seniors Sunday at the Museum

09/12/2021 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Sunday at the Museum

Helping Seniors Sunday at the Museum

You’re Invited to the Helping Seniors Car Raffle Sunday at the Museum!



What: Helping Seniors Sunday at the Museum
When: 1pm-4pm – September 4th 2021
Where: American Muscle Car Museum
Who: Helping Seniors Car Raffle Ticket Holders


Do you have a Helping Seniors Car Raffle Ticket from 2020?  Well, you’re our guest at the American Muscle Car Museum for a very special and enjoyable Sunday afternoon at the American Muscle Car Museum 1pm-4pm on September 12th, 2021!


SAFE is BEST and so, with our focus on SAFETY for SENIORS, and understanding all Covid-19 precautions, you may recall that we followed the Governor’s guidance for last year’s October 2020 Helping Seniors Car Raffle Grand Drawing and so we made that a virtual event so that folks from all over can safely participate and enjoy the fun and thrill of the American Muscle Car Museum and the Helping Seniors Car Raffle Grand Drawing via Facebook Live and YouTube Live Broadcast.


You might also remember we pledged that, as a Helping Seniors Car Raffle ticket holder, you would have the opportunity to enjoy visiting the American Muscle Car Museum in person as well.  American Muscle Car Museum Owner Mark Pieloch has kindly offered to open his doors for all 2020 Helping Seniors Car Raffle ticket holders to enjoy a pleasant Sunday at the Museum on Sunday, September 12th 2021.   Your Helping Seniors Car Raffle ticket is your “Admit One” to this special “raincheck” day for a pleasant outing to see this most amazing collection of automotive greatness.


So, gather your 2020 Helping Seniors Car Raffle ticket and plan to join us!  It’s also a great moment to get your 2021 Helping Seniors Car Raffle ticket on site.  (You can also call 321-473-7770 or donate securely online at HelpingSeniorsCarRaffle.com!



Get your Helping Seniors Car Raffle Tickets today:
Call 321-473-7770
Online: HelpingSeniorsCarRaffle.com
Visit any Boniface Hiers Dealership:
Boniface Hiers Chevrolet
Boniface Hiers Mazda
Boniface Hiers Kia
Boniface Hiers Chrysler Dodge Jeep





The Helping Seniors Car Raffle Grand Drawing

Helping Seniors, the 501(c)(3) non-profit that operates Brevard County’s Senior Information Helpline, and that has helped close to 4000 families, free of charge, over the past 10 years, celebrates with this amazing Fundraiser event at the American Muscle Car Museum on Sarno Road.


The 2021 Helping Seniors Car Raffle Grand Drawing event happens Saturday evening, October 9th, 2021, 6pm-9pm. Someone will pick up the keys to their choice of a beautiful 2021 Chevrolet Camaro; 2021 Dodge Challenger, 2021 Kia Sportage or a 2021 Mazda Miata Convertible, from the Boniface-Hiers Automotive Group family of fine car dealerships.


Each Car Raffle Ticket ($25 for one 1 ticket or 5 tickets for $100 donation) is an “Admit One” to the most sought after automotive evening in 2021. See the not-open-to-the-public collection and enjoy 125,000 square feet of automotive greatness – more than 250 cars ranging from classic 1950’s to late model American Muscle Cars!


It will be a lot of fun celebrating and at all leads up to the Facebook Live Event Grand Drawing to determine the winner of the 2021 Helping Seniors Car Raffle Grand Drawing! Come mix’n’mingle – get family, friends and co-workers together in on this too! – it’ll be an evening to treasure for some time to come!


There’ll be wine, hors d’oeuvres, TV/Radio events and plenty of opportunities for you to help in the good work of Helping Seniors. In fact, that could very well be the best part of it – the evening has a purpose and its purpose to assist Helping Seniors of Brevard in funding its service efforts to serve the more than 250,000 persons 50+ who reside in our county!


To get your tickets – call 321-473-7770 or please visit HelpingSeniorsCarRaffle.com.


For more Information, please visit HelpingSeniorsofBrevard.org.


We are so appreciative of American Muscle Car Museum Owner Mark Pieloch and A.J. Hiers, of Boniface-Hiers Automotive – for their help in ensuring the Helping Seniors Grand Drawing event (also presented on Facebook Live and YouTube Live) will be a great evening of automotive fun!


Each Helping Seniors Car Raffle Ticket offers you three benefits: (1) A chance to win one of the beautiful new 2021 cars in the Helping Seniors Car Raffle; (2) An “Admit One” to American Muscle Car Museum for the night of the Grand Drawing; and (3) your contribution to the Helping Seniors of Brevard non-profit organization.



Ticket sales are open – online (www.HelpingSeniorsCarRaffle.com) and also by telephone at 321-473-7770. You may also purchase tickets at any Boniface-Hiers Automotive Dealership as well as additional area outlets which will be updated on the Helping Seniors Car Raffle page, from time-to-time.

Meanwhile, our service, as a non-profit organization, is dedicated to operating the County’s Senior Information Helpline (now in our 10th year of service) and providing outbound information services to Seniors in Brevard through print, TV, and Radio.

Our Senior Information Helpline (321-473-7770)  remains open to ensure we are able to continue to provide support and information to Seniors and their families in our area.  Thank you for your interest and support in Helping Seniors of Brevard.




Take Me to Helping Seniors Car Raffle


1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Category:


Helping Seniors
View Organizer Website
