Radio This Week:
How Brevard Triad is Helping Seniors.
How Brevard Triad is Helping Seniors.
Brevard County TRIAD, Inc. is a partnership agreement between the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office, Local Law Enforcement Agencies, and the State Attorney’s Office. Learn how Brevard TRIAD and the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office are Helping Seniors. Special Guest Joe Downs, President of Brevard Triad and also with the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office, and Jennifer Helin (Seniors Helping Seniors) visit with Program Host Kerry Fink on some good-to-know programs that help Seniors and those who love and care for them.
For More Information on Brevard TRIAD:
For More Information on Seniors Helping Seniors:
90.3 WEJF-FM
Radio: Airdate 06/22/22
Host: Kerry Fink (Helping Seniors of Brevard)
Guest: Joe Downs (Brevard Triad)
Guest: Jennifer Helin (Seniors Helping Seniors)
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