Al Dia Today - May 2016

Helping Seniors in Al Dia Today - May 2016

Helping Seniors in Al Dia Today

Look for Joe Steckler‘s Helping Seniors column in each monthly issue of Al Dia Today.

Al Dia Today is the bilingual newspaper in Brevard County and a solid must read in our area. The popular monthly newspaper is a publication distributed free-of-charge at many great locations throughout Brevard County and online at

CLICK HERE to read “Helping Seniors” in Al Dia Today

Al Dia Today Mission reaches Spanish-speaking and English-speaking readers throughout Brevard County with information and news of interest to citizens in the area. Al Dia Today is a bilingual newspaper serving Central Florida. The news is relevant to the hispanic community as a source for national, local, immigration, sports, syndicated columnists and business happenings.

CLICK HERE to access the Al Dia Today Website.