Join Helping Seniors of Brevard President, Joe Steckler, each week for the “Helping Seniors” Television program airing throughout Brevard County.  Joe has been a favorite presence and familiar face on TV for many years.  He provides insightful information to help seniors.


Click Here for the Helping Seniors TV Library



Joe’s “Helping Seniors” Television Programs are also available on the Helping Seniors of Brevard website as well as on the worldwide Helping Seniors YouTube channel.

Learn about the Golden Providers Network as Helping Seniors Program Host Joe Steckler talks with Troy Denault, of Golden Providers, to discuss their system of background checks and accountability among Senior Care providers – whether it be medical, white collar or blue collar.

Finding Trustworthy Senior Services Troy Denault has consistently led multiple local Medical Non-Profits and community outreach programs.  He has spent multiple years within the Medicare Home Care industry and over recent years had been Brevard County’s Business Director for Brookdale Senior Living.   In 2012, he co-founded Senior Solutions Management, with Elder Law Attorney Amy B. VanFossen, as an Independent & Assisted Living Planning resource to aid seniors and families trying to navigate situations that accompany aging.