Greetings to all,

This is my introduction to the blog world – guess you could call it that.  Anyway, what I intend it to be is a source of information that will help all of us.   My intent is to get good, timely, factual and important information all so that we will all be better informed.  Other “experts” will be invited to participate.

Since you are reading this, it is likely that you are aware of our Florida Today Thursday newspaper column, Focus on Seniors.   We also have a weekly radio show every Thursday at 0900 (9 AM) on radio station WMEL 1300 AM on the dial.  And, we have 28 TV shows archived on this Web site.   Soon we will go into production on 30 additional shows. It is all about doing the best we can to keep our Brevard Countians as well informed as possible. If you have recommendations on how we can improve please let us know.   We will appreciate.

Today I want to talk about the Medicaid Managed Care Program that will start in Florida in this coming August.  In essence, the previous programs will remain the same, just be managed in a little different way under four Managed Care operations that are primarily large hospitals who have won the bidding process to do this. To become a client in the Florida Medicaid Managed Care program you must meet Medicaid qualifications.  The best way to find out if you are eligible is to call 1-800-963-5337.  This is the starting point for determining your physical and financial qualifications to be a participant in the Medicaid program.  To try other avenues of approach is a waste of time and will not help you. Now, if you call that number and do not get help there are others numbers, listed in the Assistance Sheet on this Web site, that can help you. I will not go into qualifications as that contains many variables. Essentially it is a program for lower income people and that will change as Obamacare comes on line in 2014.

With regard to ObamaCare, I highly recommend that you read the book on How to Survive ObamaCare. It is a good read and most helpful. It is bi partisan and helps the reader become aware of the ins and outs of the system.  Again, I will not go into detail other than to say that I am reading it and find it most informative.   I hope this has been helpful ~ stay tuned for more.

Joe Steckler

Joe Steckler – President