Join Helping Seniors of Brevard President, Joe Steckler, each week for the “Helping Seniors” Television program airing throughout Brevard County. Joe has been a favorite presence and familiar face on the Bright House Networks TV for many years.  He provides insightful information to help seniors.



Click Here for the Helping Seniors TV Library



Joe’s “Helping Seniors” Television Programs are also available on the Helping Seniors of Brevard website as well as on the worldwide Helping Seniors YouTube channel.

Professional Guardians and Case Managers Robin Phemister and Lisa Hodgins discuss the ins and outs of Guardianship and ways to get Seniors the help they need at the appropriate level. Program Host Joe Steckler visits with them about Case Management and Guardianship.

Guardianship-&-Case-ManagementSolutions by RPM is Robin Phemister’s Guardianship and Case Management care firm.

R.E.P.S. Inc. is Lisa Hodgins Guardianship and Case Management care firm providing assistance to those at risk for exploitation, abuse, or neglect.  Lisa is a Nationally and State Certified Guardian and a Case Manager for those who need assistance in keeping their independence.