This Episode:
Helping Seniors President, Founder and Radio Host Joe Steckler and Kerry Fink, Helping Seniors Marketing & Media Director, talk with Barbara McIntyre (Reverse Mortgage Funding), about how Reverse Mortgages can be a financial tool to fight Covid-19, as well as a check-in with Chris Morse (Senior Travel & Helping Seniors Travel Club) about the availability of good Senior Travel returning in the 2nd half of 2020.
Radio – Original Airdate 04/15/20 – FM 90.3 WEJF Radio
Guest: Barbara McIntyre (Reverse Mortgage Funding)
Guest: Chris Morse (Senior Travel & Helping Seniors Travel Club)
Host: Joe Steckler (Helping Seniors of Brevard)
Co-Host: Kerry Fink (Helping Seniors of Brevard)