Join Helping Seniors of Brevard President, Joe Steckler, every Thursday afternoon at 1:00pm (Eastern Time) for the popular “Helping Seniors” Radio show airing throughout Brevard County on AM 1060 WMEL Radio Station. Joe has been a favorite presence and familiar voice on the WMEL Radio team for over two decades. He always provides insightful information that is helping seniors.
Joe Steckler has been a popular friend to Seniors and he has been broadcasting Senior focused programs on WMEL Radio for over 15 years. Many “Helping Seniors” Radio Programs are available, free-of-charge, and on demand, as podcasts on the Helping Seniors of Brevard website.
On this Episode:
Join Radio Host Joe Steckler as he talks with Jennifer Helin, of Seniors Helping Seniors, about getting help in the home.