Join Helping Seniors of Brevard President, Joe Steckler, each week for the “Helping Seniors” Television program airing throughout Brevard County. Joe has been a favorite presence and familiar face on the TV for many years.  He provides insightful information to help seniors.



Click Here for the Helping Seniors TV Library



Joe’s “Helping Seniors” Television Programs are also available on the Helping Seniors of Brevard website as well as on the worldwide Helping Seniors YouTube channel.

Joe Steckler on Helping Seniors – “Helping Seniors” Television Program with Host Joe Steckler – This special edition features Joe Steckler – Founder and President of Helping Seniors of Brevard Inc., a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit dedicated to helping seniors.


Joe Steckler on Helping SeniorsJoe Steckler, after serving as a Naval Officer for 30 years with his last assignment as Commanding Officer of the U.S. Naval Retirement Home, went on to work 20 years in Brevard’s elder care system. During that time, he worked to found and develop the Brevard Alzheimer’s Foundation. He also created programs including Americorps Project Elderserve, State of Florida RELIEF Program, Robert Wood Johnson Interfaith Respite Coalition, three dementia care centers and a $2 million endowment.