Helping Seniors Radio Program

Helping Seniors Radio on AM 1060 WMELJoin Helping Seniors of Brevard President, Joe Steckler, every Thursday afternoon at 1:00pm (Eastern Time) for the popular “Helping Seniors” Radio show airing throughout Brevard County on AM 1060 WMEL Radio Station.  Joe has been a favorite presence and familiar voice on the WMEL Radio team for over two decades.  He always provides insightful information that is helping seniors.

Joe Steckler has been a popular friend to Seniors and he has been broadcasting Senior focused programs on WMEL Radio for over 15 years.  Many “Helping Seniors” Radio Programs are available, free-of-charge, and on demand, as podcasts on the Helping Seniors of Brevard website.

On this Episode:

Join Radio Host Joe Steckler as he talks with Board Certified Elder Law Attorney Bill Johnson (William A. Johnson P.A.) about Basic Estate Planning.  (Encore Presentation from May 5th 2016 Broadcast).

CLICK HERE to Listen the Program or CLICK ON the Video above to listen now.