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Helping Seniors UpdateMonday May 20th 2020 – Join us for this update as on the Full Phase 1 of Brevard County “reopening” while Covid-19 precautions are in effect. Good information to help you through the Covid-19 times as Kerry Fink talks with Reverse Mortgage expert, Barbara McIntyre of Reverse Mortgage Funding.

Join us for Helping Seniors Update – a special outreach of the Helping Seniors of Brevard organization – designed to keep you up-to-date on services and happenings in Brevard County.  Join Helping Seniors Media & Marketing Director Kerry Fink for this ongoing conversation about all things Seniors.

More News & Information

Space Coast Kibble Kitchen
Space Coast Kibble Kitchen is a 501c3 Pet Food Bank Supporting Those Less Fortunate on The Space Coast.

Phone numbers: (772) 539-2417 (Barefoot Bay) and (321) 586-2242 (Melbourne)

Dr. Lee Sheldon – Helping Seniors Charity Program

Dr. Lee Sheldon‘s dental office can be reached at (321) 259-8000 and is now open for appointments.  As a community effort to help the work of Helping Seniors of Brevard, Dr. Sheldon offers a complete new patient exam – including CT scan and x-rays – at no additional cost when you donate, at time of your first office visit, a minimum of $50 to Helping Seniors of Brevard.  It’s so simple – when you call to book your new patient appointment, let them know you are wanting to support the work of Helping Seniors of Brevard, and they will waive the cost of your initial visit with your donation amount to Helping Seniors of Brevard!

Good Resources from Jessica Villanova of Enhanced Property Investments:

United Way COVID Community Relief Fund 866-211-9966
Brevard County COVID-19 Initiative (Diane Scott) 321-241-6610
Enhanced Property Investments (Jessica) 321-351-3222

Pulling the Curtain back on Senior Mental Health
New Helping Seniors TV – Traci Graf (Avid Home Health Care) joins Helping Seniors TV host Kerry Fink to talk about a rarely discussed, but very important, topic – Depression and Senior Mental Health.

Tips to stay on top of your finances during the coronavirus pandemic
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – An official website of the United States government

This article has good information on:

If you can’t pay your bills
See these steps. Don’t hesitate to contact your financial lenders and creditors if you can’t keep up because COVID-19 has cost you income. The CFPB and other financial regulators have encouraged lenders to work with their customers during this time.
If you can’t make your mortgage payments
The new CARES Act allows homeowners with federally backed loans who are affected by the pandemic to request a forbearance of their mortgage for up to 180 days. The forbearance can be extended for up to an additional 180 days. Private mortgage loans may also offer programs. Learn more here.
If you can’t keep up with your student loans
The CARES Act also automatically suspends payments on federally-held student loans through September 30, 2020. For help with a student loan other than a federally-held loan, you should contact your servicer to see what options are available to you.
If you’re already behind on your bills
Check out these tips for dealing with debt – a stressful experience even under normal circumstances.
If you’re a financial caregiver
Those who serve as financial caregivers for older adults or people with disabilities may have unique worries and challenges.

Additional Resources for Food & Pet Care

Food Assistance for Seniors in Brevard County:

Meals of Love is an “emergency nutrition assistance program” for Brevard, Orange, Osceola, and Seminole counties. It’s a pilot program that partners restaurants and seniors to provide warm, restaurant meals to seniors in need.

For more details, visit:

Emergency Pet Boarding Relief:

Need assistance with emergency pet boarding?  Visit RedRover for emergency boarding grants.

“The RedRover Relief Emergency Boarding grant program helps animals who need temporary boarding while their owners are hospitalized due to the COVID-19 virus. This grant will cover the cost of up to two (2) weeks of boarding while a pet owner is hospitalized.”

For more information, visit:

From the Desk of Kim Bernard, Helping Seniors Education Specialist:

The following is a list of Food Pantries in our county with contact information and hours of operation:


Daily Bread- 805 East Fee Ave Melbourne
(321) 723-1060
Hours: Meal Service Daily 11a-1:30p


Saint Vincent De Paul- Our Lady of Grace Food Pantry
(321) 725-6866
300 Malabar Rd. Temporarily Closed, BUT they are doing home visits and dropping off food @ the door. Please speak slowly and state your name, phone number, and address. Someone will get back with you, may not be the same day.


Saint Vincent De Paul @ Holy Name of Jesus
3050 N. Hwy A1A
(321) 777-9593
Open- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 9a-11a for Beachside Community Residents
Closed- Wednesday & Sunday


East Coast Christian Center
680 N. Courtenay Pkwy
Merritt Island
(321) 452-1060
Food Pantry Open- Tuesday and Thursday 9a-11a and 6p-8p


North Brevard Charities Sharing Center
4475 S. Hopkins Ave
(321) 269-6555
Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 11a-2p
Thrift Store is Temporarily Closed


Good Shepherd Lutheran Church- must be a resident of Northern Brevard, please have ID
2073 Garden St
Call for information (321) 267-4323


Saint Paul’s Anglican Church
7200 N. Wickham Rd
(321) 259-1130
Open Tuesday 3p-6p


Catholic Charities of Central Florida
5145 N. Cocoa Blvd
All Clinics are closed until further notice.
Phones at clinics are being answered for triage, prescription refills, and referrals.
Food Pantry is open Tuesday- Friday 9a-11:30a (Closed Saturday-Monday)
(321) 338-2986


For the family pet
Space Coast Kibble Kitchen 
(321) 586-2242 or (772) 539-2417
Dates, Locations and Time for Pet Food Distribution
April 9- 10am- 12pm @ 625 Barefoot Bay Blvd, Barefoot Bay
April 11- 9am-10am @ Wickham Park 2500 Parkway Dr Melbourne
May 9- 9am-10am @ Wickham Park 2500 Parkway Dr Melbourne
May 14- 10am- 12pm @ 625 Barefoot B12ay Blvd, Barefoot Bay
June 11- 10am-12pm @  625 Barefoot Bay Blvd, Barefoot Bay


Brevard County Government Coronavirus Covid-19 Page

U.S. Congressman Bill Posey Constituent Services Coronavirus Covid-19 Resource Page


The federal stimulus bill is encouraging as well. Here are some tips about this bill that relate to non-profits, such as Helping Seniors, struggling to keep their doors open.

Donations must be made by cash, check or credit card to qualify:

A donation of $300 or less. Whether or not you itemize for your taxes, you will be able to deduct your donation to a non-profit for your federal taxes from here on out for 2020.

Higher value donations. An individual can make a cash only gift and deduct it up to 100% of their Adjusted Gross Income for the year. This is only valid for 2020 due to the Stimulus Package.

Corporate giving. There’s also a substantial benefit for corporate charitable gifts.The benefit for corporate charitable gifts is usually limited to 10% of taxable income for the corporation. This has been increased to 25% of the taxable income, making 2020 charitable gifts much more attractive to many companies.

Please consult your tax professional for details.

Want to donate now?  Get your Helping Seniors Car Raffle tickets today – CLICK HERE!

Helping Seniors Car Raffle

Quite the week and quite the month! Just like you, we’re keeping up with news, watching what’s happening in our country/world and then, within the last few days, we’ve gone from our normal routine to stepping up to assist Seniors over the next period when social distancing is the most recommended way that we keep our Seniors safe.

Given the situation facing all of us, here’s what to expect from Helping Seniors as we move forward in this unprecedented time:

We have made the decision to postpone the Helping Seniors Car Raffle Grand Drawing event from its originally scheduled April 25th date. The landscape is changing daily, even hourly, and at this time it wouldn’t be prudent to forecast a new Grand Drawing date just yet but rest assured that our President Joe Steckler is working with American Muscle Car Museum Owner Mark Pieloch – and this is event is at the top of the reschedule date list as soon as we get approval from government officials that it is safe to do so.

Ticket sales remain open during this time – both online and also by telephone at 321-473-7770 – and the Helping Seniors Car Raffle Grand Drawing will take place, as planned, at the American Muscle Car Museum, at a to-be-determined date as soon as reasonably practical following lifting of government restrictions on larger gatherings. We pledge to update you no later than every 10 days regarding the status for this event.

Meanwhile, on our service as a non-profit organization, dedicated to operating the County’s Senior Information Helpline (now entering its 10th year of service) and providing outbound information services to Seniors in Brevard through print, TV, and Radio, we continue our services, actually, at an accelerated pace.

Our Senior Information Helpline (321-473-7770) remains open during this time and we have implemented contingencies to ensure we are able to continue to provide support and information to Seniors and their families in our area.

In addition, our Radio and TV broadcasts continue as scheduled, as do our print and digital outbound information efforts and our team is organizing a Senior Information update service via Social Media that you will be hearing more about during this week.

We thank you for your continued trust and support of Helping Seniors of Brevard – one thing this health crisis has made abundantly clear is that we need to really look after our Seniors and ensure their protection and safety during this time. Thank you for your interest and support in Helping Seniors of Brevard.”