Helping Seniors Public Service AnnouncementSpecial thank-you to John Frederiksen and his team at Senior Scene Magazine.

In addition to being the major distribution point and partner in getting 8,000-12,000 copies of our Helping Seniors newsletter distributed each month, as a center-section pull-out within the publication, Senior Scene also carries our Helping Seniors monthly column.

They even go the extra mile, by donating space for our Survey and even Public Service Announcements – as is the case on page 29 of the June 2015 issue.  (You’ll find this announcement nestled comfortably between some excellent Good Housekeeping recipes for Blueberry Muffins and Strawberry Shortcake – with a Sudoko puzzle thrown in for good measure.)

Look for more – as we work to get the word out about Helping Seniors of Brevard – and thank-you for your active participation and support in this effort.

Joe Steckler