Join Helping Seniors of Brevard President, Joe Steckler, each week for the “Helping Seniors” Television program airing throughout Brevard County. Joe has been a favorite presence and familiar face on the  TV for many years.  He provides insightful information to help seniors.



Click Here for the Helping Seniors TV Library



Joe’s “Helping Seniors” Television Programs are also available on demand, on the Helping Seniors of Brevard website as well as on the worldwide Helping Seniors YouTube channel.

Learn about the Space Coast Center for Independent Living – a great resource for Brevard County citizens that provides tools and resources to help people live independently. Program Host Joe Steckler visits with Jill Dunham, the SCCIL‘s Executive Director, to explore the myriad of services available to Brevard County seniors.

Space Coast Center for Independant LivingSpace Coast Center for Independent Living, Inc. (SCCIL) has provided services to persons with disabilities in Brevard county since 1972.  In 1975, SCCIL was chartered as a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation and Florida’s first “Center for Independent Living”.  SCCIL‘s main purpose, as a grassroots organization, was to improve the fundamental rights and lives of Brevard county citizens with disabilities. The agency is recognized as a community-based, non-residential, cross-disability, and consumer-controlled organization, serving Brevard and Indian River counties.

The SSCIL Independent Living Program is designed to assist individuals with disabilities, and their families, through the four core services of Information & Referral, Independent Living Skills Training, Individual & Systems Advocacy, and Individual or Group Peer Support

The SSCIL Transportation is provided for individuals, of all ages, who have disability by the use of our wheelchair accessible vans.  They offer trips to medical appointments and grocery shopping. Transport to a SCCIL activity is free; there is a small fee for all other trips.

The SSCIL FTRI Program offers free telephones to qualifying Florida residents who are either hearing and/or speech impaired.