Join Helping Seniors of Brevard President, Joe Steckler, every Thursday afternoon at 1:00pm (Eastern Time) for the popular “Helping Seniors” Radio show airing throughout Brevard County on Radio Station AM 1300 WMEL. Joe has been a favorite presence and familiar voice on the WMEL Radio team for over two decades. He always provides insightful information that is helping seniors.
Joe’s “Helping Seniors” Radio Programs are also available, free-of-charge, and on demand, as podcasts on the Helping Seniors of Brevard website at
“Helping Seniors” – Radio Program with Host Joe Steckler – This week’s program features Program Host and long-time Senior Advocate, Joe Steckler, talking with Helping Seniors Information Specialist Kay Keyser. In this edition, they review the results of the county-wide Senior Needs Survey (so far) and how the Helping Seniors Advocacy program is working with those results towards a County Aging Plan draft..
The mission of Helping Seniors is to educate, inform and connect seniors and those who care for them with the wonderful resources in Brevard. We work to complete, not compete with other non profit organizations. Helping Seniors of Brevard County is also developing an Endowment plan to help fund senior care services for those who need financial assistance while improving awareness of available resources.
Listen now: [youtube][/youtube]