Seniors-&-the-Dark-Ages - Hometown News - June 19 2015CLICK HERE to read “Helping Seniors”

in this month’s Hometown News.

June 19 2015 - Hometown NewsLook for our Helping Seniors of Brevard column in the Hometown News’ five different editions covering North Brevard; Suntree-Viera-Rockledge; Melbourne; The Beaches; as well as Palm Bay.  Each edition provides a blend of news stories, feature articles, profiles and coverage of importance to the residents and visitors of each particular area.

You can also pick up your FREE copy of Hometown News at the Helping Seniors of Brevard offices in Rockledge at:

Helping Seniors of Brevard
571 Haverty Court Suite W – Rockledge FL 32955.

CLICK HERE to access the Hometown News Website.