Brevard County “Vial of Life” Program

Brevard County “Vial of Life” Program

Brevard County Fire & Rescue’s Vial of Life program is a It’s a free resource that can help save lives. The Office of EMS is proud to participate in the “Vial of Life” program.  When 911 is called, time is crucial.  Having vital medical...
Brevard County “Vial of Life” Program

Affordable Non-Skilled In Home Care

Greetings, On 19 December, 2013 I walked my physical therapist to the front door, having completed my last back therapy session. The next thing I knew was that I was on life support in the Wuesthoff Hospital  ICU. I later learned that I had suffered a bleed on the...
Brevard County “Vial of Life” Program

New Enrollment Process for Medicaid

Dear Readers,    Shown below is the new enrollment process for Medicaid. This process became effective August 1, 2013 and must be followed if you want to be eligible for the Managed Care program. If you fail to make progress, please contact Helping Seniors...
Brevard County “Vial of Life” Program

Focus on Seniors – a good source!

Greetings to all, This is my introduction to the blog world – guess you could call it that.  Anyway, what I intend it to be is a source of information that will help all of us.   My intent is to get good, timely, factual and important information all so that we...
Brevard County “Vial of Life” Program

Welcome to Helping Seniors News

Welcome to the Inaugural Helping Seniors of Brevard County (“HSOBC”) News column. We will do our best to get senior news to you on events, information, things happening to seniors and those who care for them. We will have no criteria for length other than...